Understanding the Timeline from Product Purchase to Returned Funds

2 min. readlast update: 01.31.2024

In this article we’ll cover the steps between purchasing products to receiving the funds from sales to give you a better understanding of everything involved in the product cycle timeline. Please keep in mind that this is for an established Amazon store that is buy box qualified.

If your store is brand new and has just launched, please check out our article on what to expect during the probationary period here

Step One: Shipping & Processing

Once it's time to restock or place a new purchase order, we contact our suppliers and the product is delivered to our warehouse typically within two to three days.

Once we have the products in hand, we prep the products for resale and determine the best cost effective strategy for you; either ship them to Amazon FBA Centers or store the products at our own warehouse and ship out upon a new order. 

A typical timeline of shipping and processing can take one to three weeks.

Step Two: Online Orders 

When processing of inventory is complete we update your storefront and systems which enable customers shipping on Amazon that the product is available on your store.

Once a customer purchase from your store, the order is fulfilled by us or Amazon depending if we’re servicing the order via FBM or FBA.

Step Three: Payout

After a week goes by of the product being delivered to the customer, Amazon will make funds in the platform eligible for release, and since Amazon pays out typically every two weeks, you will either receive funds bi weekly, or they may roll over to the next payout.

Note: We recommend having additional cash set aside to allow product to cycle through, and to use credit products that have extended timelines as it allows for better processing and cycling of cashflow.


To recap, if we spend $500 today on product, it can take on average between six to eight weeks to receive those funds back. In some occasions it can take longer depending on amount of units, product and other unforeseen factors, but you may see timelines closer to four weeks if everything goes perfectly

It is always our goal to keep the process moving smoothly and quickly as possible. If you have additional questions about this time frame, please reach out to support@automatedretailcommerce.com and we'll be happy to help clarify.



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