How to grant Admin privileges to an ARC team login in your Amazon Seller Central account

2 min. readlast update: 10.11.2024


Assist our clients with steps necessary to update an existing ARC team user login in your Amazon Seller Central account with admin privileges in Global Permissions, which is necessary to provide complete and secure administrative access to your Seller Central account for our team to operate your store.

 Note: Each client's Seller Central account typically has an existing ARC team user login that is created during Amazon Onboarding with the Client Success team.

Steps to provide the ARC user login admin priveleges in Global Permissions are:

1. Login to Seller Central

a. From a webbrowser, navigate to, and click on Log in in the upper right corner. 

b. Then sign in with your login and password (your login/password should be listed on your Finance Sheet - Command Center tab, which you can locate under Bookmarks at the top of your dedicated client Slack channel).

2. Navigate to the User Permissions page

On the Seller Central Home page, mouse over the Gear icon in the upper right corner, and select "User Permissions."

3. Modify the ARC user login with Admin Privileges for Global Permissions

a. On the User Permission page, click on "Manage Global Permissions" for the Admin user that ARC team uses for your account. Note: The name for this user is typically Admin or Admin 2.

b. Then select every "Admin" labeled button on the page.

c. Then select "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.

4. Notify your ARC team on Slack

Please send a message to @channel on your dedicated Slack channel with the message:

"@channel I've granted Global Permissions Admin access to the following user login in Seller Central: (list user login here, example:"



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