How Does Inventory Purchasing Work?

3 min. readlast update: 01.30.2024

Inventory purchasing plays a crucial role in the success of your automated retail business, and it's our responsibility to make the right product choices and purchasing decisions for you. In this article, we'll break down how inventory purchasing works for your automated retail business in a straightforward way.

Managing Product Selection

We start by curating products that we believe will work best for your automated retail store. To do this well, we follow these steps:

  1. Research: We study market trends and product performance data to understand what products are most likely to sell and the quantity of units needed to order.

  2. Quality Controls: We ensure that the products we choose are high-quality to keep your customers happy and prevent returns. Most of this is taken care of through brand selection and warehouse controls.

  3. Pricing Strategy: We set competitive and profitable prices for your products by considering costs and what similar products are priced at. In our model the profit on products is made through the initial buy of inventory: the better the bulk purchase price, the more potential profit on the storefront.

  4. Seasonal Items: We stay aware of seasonal trends and adjust product selection accordingly to boost sales throughout the year.

  5. Supplier Relationships: We build great relationships with reliable suppliers who can provide you with the products you need, when you need them.

Making Purchasing Decisions

Once we've selected your products, it's our responsibility to make informed buying decisions based on demand and stock levels:

  1. Track Stock: We keep an eye on how much of each product you have in your store, using both manual methods and specialized software.

  2. Understand Demand: We analyze your sales history, customer orders, and market trends to figure out which products are popular and which ones might need some changes.

  3. Restocking: When a product's stock gets low (reaches the reorder point), we decide whether to restock the same product or explore new options:

    a. Reorder Existing Products: If a product consistently sells well, we order more of the same from our suppliers.

    b. Implement New Products: For products with inconsistent sales, we may look to diversify products on your storefront.

  4. Supplier Communication: We keep consistent communication with our brands and suppliers to place orders for restocking or buying new products. We also negotiate pricing and shipping terms to make the most of your inventory.


Inventory purchasing is about managing product selection and making smart buying choices based on demand and stock levels. In today's competitive market, being flexible and using data to make decisions is key to success. It's our responsibility to handle these tasks for your automated retail business.

By carefully choosing your products, staying up-to-date on what customers want, and working closely with your suppliers, we ensure that your automated retail business keeps thriving.

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