Gross Profit Share Splits: Understanding the Timeline

2 min. readlast update: 01.31.2024

When are gross profit share splits due?

At our organization, we recognize the dynamic nature of the e-commerce landscape. It's not uncommon for returns and damaged goods to be part of the e-commerce business model. To accommodate these variables and ensure fairness in our profit-sharing arrangements, we have established a specific timeline for reconciling gross profit share splits.

Quarterly Reconciliation:

We conduct the reconciliation of gross profit share invoices for our clients on a quarterly basis. This means that every three months, we review and adjust the profit share splits as necessary.

Why Quarterly?

The quarterly approach allows us to:

  1. Account for Seasonal Variations: E-commerce often experiences fluctuations throughout the year, such as peak seasons and slower periods. Quarterly reconciliation helps us account for these seasonal changes.

  2. Accommodate Returns and Damaged Goods: As mentioned, returns and damaged goods are a natural part of e-commerce. By reconciling quarterly, we provide ample time for these events to occur and adjust the profit share splits accordingly.

  3. Provide Transparency: Quarterly reconciliation ensures transparency and fairness in our profit-sharing arrangements. It allows us to promptly address any issues and maintain a strong partnership with our clients.

Your gross profit split will depend on the service package you initially chose to start services.

In conclusion, our approach to gross profit share splits is designed to adapt to the ever-changing e-commerce landscape while ensuring that our clients receive accurate and fair profit-sharing statements. If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding the timing of profit share splits or the reconciliation process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at We are committed to transparency and open communication in all our business dealings.

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